Smoke, gas or flood alerts, fault detection…


With your smart home, you’ll have complete peace of mind, as you’ll receive an alert for any incident, and the predefined action protocol will be activated.

Additionally, the system is designed to protect the sleep of your little ones and prevent setbacks with autonomous access control, video surveillance through the app, and other features.

Protect those who matter most

Faults and incidents

  • Early or immediate fault detection.
  • Incident alerts: gas, smoke, flooding…

Protect those who matter most

Video surveillance

  • 24/7 remote video surveillance system.
  • Automatic management of the smart home in face of dangers.
seguridad casa
Domótica en casa: definición y ejemplos

Protect those who matter most

With Kimbo, it's easier to take care of the kids

  • Child safety system.
  • Nighttime activity alert via sensor.
  • Guide lights.

Create scenes based on your daily routines

Let’s talk!

Reach out to us, and we’ll send you a personalized quote.